Free Solar Panels From the Government: Are They for Real?

Despite “free government solar panels” being a scam, you can still find affordable high-quality solar panels to benefit your home and wallet.

When browsing the web, you may run across banners touting “free solar panels from the government.” Maybe you’ve already spotted solar panel companies advertising free solar panels for low-income families. It’s a tantalizing prospect, especially if you’re eager to go solar.

Here’s the hard truth. As solar power keeps growing in popularity, solar panel scams are bound to follow.

As energy experts, we want to quash the notion of free government solar panels — or free solar panels of any kind. Those claims are untrue: You cannot get solar panels for free. 

Unfortunately, nothing in life (at least nothing of quality) is totally free. 

But don’t feel discouraged. Solar incentives and many other options can offset your panels’ total cost, and that investment goes a very long way. Solar panels not only offer energy independence but also save you money — and they last for decades.

So, let’s debunk the “free government solar panels” scam. We’ll also look at how to find affordable high-quality solar panels and how they benefit your life and finances.

[Related: How Much Do Solar Panels Cost? Saving With Solar]

Solar Panel Scams and Misleading Marketing Language

Seeing any ad promoting free stuff may get you hyped for a moment. But imagine a random person approached you and said, “Did you know you can get free solar panels from the government?” 

You’d likely see red flags everywhere — and for good reason. If an ad tells you it’s possible to get free solar panels, it’s one of two things, and they’re not mutually exclusive:

  • A scam
  • Misleading advertising

Solar panel scams frequently default to the “free” angle because people often perceive solar panels as luxury items. And of course, “free” is a marketing buzzword in any light.

At best, such scams lure you to a business that proceeds to spring the fine print on you. You’re not paying for solar panels up front — you’re leasing your solar panels, and thus paying for them monthly. It’s misleading language to lure potential customers (note “customers”), and it tells you a ton about that business’s ethics

At worst, solar panel scams are trying to get your payment information and personal data. If that’s the case, back away as swiftly as possible. Then, find a reputable solar panel company with sound payment options.

Here’s the bottom line. Pause and think for a minute if you ask yourself, “Can I get free solar panels?” What’s the most likely answer? 

The old adage is right: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. 

With that out of the way, let’s see how you can get solar panels — not for free, but for a fair price.

[Related: Tips To Save on Energy Costs]

Ways To Lower the Cost of Solar Panels

In reality, you can purchase solar panels at a lighter price tag via many routes:

Each route has benefits unique to your situation and finances. Make sure to check your state’s specific incentives — you might find you’ll pay much less than you expected. By investigating your options, you’ll also avoid falling for a tempting-but-fictional free solar panels scam. 

Always check with your local solar providers and ask about their payment plans. If they’re worth their salt, they’ll work with you to find flexible financing options. 

[Related: Average Cost of Solar Panels and Installation]

How Solar Panels Save Money and Add Value 

Home solar installations save you money — it’s as simple as that. 

Forget the “free” part, actually. A solar panel system is one of the wisest investments you can make. An investment provides long-term savings and reassurance while truly bettering your daily life and valuable assets. 

In fact, we have an entire category of articles on solar savings. For now, let’s run through a few ways solar panels benefit your bottom line, your lifestyle, the economy and the Earth:

We could go on and on. Long story short: Solar panels cost money, but it’s money incredibly well spent. In the scheme of things, a quick fix or “free” option doesn’t cut the mustard. 

Furthermore, you can significantly lower the cost of your solar panel investment and reap rewards for years to come.

And hey — free government solar panels won’t be a real option anytime soon. But there’s a 30% solar tax refund that’ll offset your total purchase cost — this means you’ll see some serious savings! A reputable solar installation company (like Freedom Solar) will guide you through its application process once your solar transition is complete. 

And remember, the government is growing more solar-friendly, but that growth centers on manufacturers and panel purchasers. When you’re one of those real-life purchasers, you’ll reap the accompanying rewards.

[Related: The Benefits of Solar Power]

Find Reliable, Top-Quality Solar Panels at Freedom Solar

Getting free solar panels from the government is a bust. Still, you can absolutely embrace alternative energy via multiple means that lower your total costs. When you do, you enjoy the energy independence and savings that solar provides while knowing you’re helping the planet.

At Freedom Solar, we offer SunPower solar panels — the highest rated and most efficient on the market. Our solar power installers are committed to helping you reach your cost-saving goals, and we’re delighted to find options that fit your lifestyle. Whether you want a home solar installation or commercial solar installation, our 25-year warranty keeps your panels performing at peak capacity.

Ready to get started? Call us at (800) 504-2337 or complete our inquiry form to speak with one of our energy consultants. 

Your consultation is actually free — that’s not misleading advertising.

Featured image via Canva