Solar Panel Maintenance & Repair Services

We maintain and repair every solar panel system under the sun.

No matter who installed your solar PV system, or what model it is – Freedom Solar can maintain, repair and upgrade any system for maximum energy production and efficiency:

  • All Solar Equipment Makes and Models
  • Complete Diagnostics
  • Expert Solar Panel Repair
  • Ongoing Solar Panel Maintenance
  • System Updates & Monitoring

Freedom Solar employs a full-time staff of solar experts. If you have a question about your system or need maintenance, request service below!

Freedom Installer Rooftop scaled - Maintenance & Repair

Solar Panel Maintenance & Repair Services

  • Commercial and Residential
  • Solar System Ownership Transfer Assistance
  • Roof Leak Investigation and Resolution
  • Critter Abatement Solutions
  • Performance and Equipment Inspections
  • Panel Replacement
  • Solar System Assessments and Check Up Reports
  • Inverter and Optimizer Replacement 
  • Manufacturer Warranty Replacement Assistance (Click here for warranty details)

We currently offer Solar Panel Maintenance & Repair Services in the following cities: Austin, Waco, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Tampa, Orlando, Raleigh-Durham, and Charlotte. For solar systems not installed by Freedom Solar, contact us in the form above to check if we service your area.

Who We Are

  • Premium Tesla Powerwall Installer
  • Dedicated Service Coordinators
  • Maxeon (previously SunPower) Preferred, Authorized Service Provider
  • Each Service Technician is a 100% Full-time, Vetted Employee – No Subcontractors
  • Full Coverage Workers Compensation and Liability Insurance Policies
  • Uniformed Crews and Branded Freedom Solar Fleet Vehicles
  • Project Coordination with Contractors and Inspectors
Who We Are Dedicated Full Coverage Service Certified Rooftop Install Solar - Maintenance & Repair

Monitor And Maintain Your Solar Panels’ Output

Retrofit your existing system with Performance Monitoring by Freedom Solar Power:

  • Ensure that your panels achieve and maintain optimal output
  • Real-time data on your system’s solar production
  • Personal web-based application keeps you in the know on how your solar panels are performing

Learn more about solar power monitoring system upgrade options by filling the contact form at the top of the page.

Solar Monitoring Sense - Maintenance & Repair

Battery and Back-Up Power

Tired of losing power during an outage? Freedom Solar and Tesla Powerwall has a comprehensive solution for your home. With our combined efforts you can:

  • Maintain safety in the event of an emergency
  • Prevent loss of productivity, waste of perishable goods
  • Eliminate costly repairs like frozen pipes and flooded rooms resulting from outages
  • Use power off the grid
  • Apply this solution to both your home and your business

Learn more about the Tesla backup power systems we install and service. Reach out to your Energy Consultant or contact our sales team for your free evaluation!

Battery and Backup Power Service and Maintenance - Maintenance & Repair

In Need of Roof Repairs or Remodeling?

Protect your invesmtnet and let the solar photovoltaic expert installers at Freedom Solar Power carefully detach and re-install your solar system.

  • Any make, model or previous solar install company
  • We coordinate service with your contractor
  • Return system to equal or greater performance!

Before work begins on your home or business, contact our Service Department!

Roof Repairs Remodeling Service and Maintenance - Maintenance & Repair

Solar Panel Maintenance and Repair Services FAQs

Can solar panels be repaired?

Yes, solar panels can be repaired depending on the type of damage, but it’s typically better to replace the damaged panels.

Our Service Department can inspect your system to see whether the fix can happen on-site. If it can’t, a service team member will uninstall your panels, take them in for further inspection and likely replace them with new ones through your provider.

Is maintenance required for solar panels?

Solar panels require minimal maintenance throughout their life cycle because they don’t have any moving parts.

However, periodic cleaning every year may help your panels maintain optimal output. This usually entails washing away any buildup of dirt, debris, leaves, and other matter.

How often do solar panels need to be repaired?

Solar panels rarely need to be repaired thanks to their strength and durability. They can stand up against some of the most inclement weather conditions—even hurricanes. If conditions are bad enough, sometimes repairs need to take place, which should be covered by your homeowners insurance policy.

What is the maintenance cost of solar panels?

The maintenance cost of solar panels varies depending on your specific provider, whether the issue falls under your warranty, and the type of work you need done.

If you’re experiencing issues or would like a quote for additional services, please contact our Service Department. Freedom Solar and the applicable solar panel manufacturer together offer our customers a 25-year warranty covering product, performance and workmanship.

What can damage a solar panel?

Solar panels are built to be durable, but if they’re ever damaged, weather is typically the culprit. Your area might be prone to heavy rain, wind, snow or something else, but it takes much more than that to damage a system. Although rare, in extreme instances such as hail from a severe storm or hurricane, panels can crack or otherwise be damaged.

How do I know if my solar panel is broken?

You’ll know if your solar panel is broken if physical damage, like a severe crack, is visible. 

However, solar panels can still function with less severe cracks. The most reliable way for you to know if your solar panel is broken is to check their energy output during the day and see whether it’s less than normal. Lower output indicates something isn’t working properly. You can connect with our Service Department to get a monitoring report for your system.

What happens if a solar panel cracks?

If a solar panel cracks, don’t try to fix it yourself—contact our Service Department. Thick, broken glass is dangerous to remove yourself, especially when exposed wiring could cause electrical risks. Your panels are also likely installed on your roof, which makes trying to fix them even more dangerous while at risky heights.

What can you do with a broken solar panel?

If you have a broken solar panel, call our Service Department first. You should never attempt to remove a solar panel on your own. Our service team will either repair it off-site, or recycle the panel at a glass recycling facility. Alternatively, you can post your panel online and give it to someone who will repurpose it.

How do you repair a solar panel?

Solar panel repair work varies depending on the problem. Sometimes a part needs to be reattached, although this is rare. Usually, your solar provider will give you a replacement instead. If you have a bad crack, your provider will generally replace the glass top without interfering with the wiring beneath.

Can you pressure wash solar panels?

No, you should not pressure-wash your solar panels.

Pressure washers are great for cleaning the exterior of your home, such as the gutters, roof and driveway, but they run the risk of damaging your panels. It’s best to find a safer alternative such as a hose or a low-pressure sprayer for cleaning your panels.

What is the best thing to use to clean solar panels?

It’s best to use either a hose or low-pressure sprayer with soapy water to thoroughly remove any buildup of dirt, debris or snow when cleaning solar panels.

If cleaning in freezing temperatures, make sure the water you use is warm so it doesn’t freeze on the panels.

How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels have an average life span of 25+ years. Depending on how you care for them and the general environment of where you live, they can last shorter or longer than that range. However, as they age, their efficiency declines. About 0.8% of a panel’s energy output is lost every year.

Does weather damage fall under my 25-year solar warranty or my homeowner’s insurance?

Acts of nature fall outside of the 25-year solar warranty and fall into homeowners’ insurance coverage.

When we complete a solar inspection for any weather damage, we will provide you with a report that you can share with your homeowners’ insurance.

Will hail affect my 25-year warranty?

Nope! As long as you have Freedom Solar (the warranty service provider) complete any repairs or detach and reinstallation services, your equipment and workmanship warranties will remain fully intact, providing you with peace of mind.

How do I schedule a service appointment?

To schedule a service appointment fill out our service request form, here.