Time To Prepare for Texas Blackouts? Black Out Big Energy Instead
In February 2021, Texas made national news for the prolonged power blackout residents faced. The need for power during the extreme weather was too much for the state’s power grid to handle. Millions were left without heat or electricity for days.
Without the support of traditional utility companies or elected officials (Governor Greg Abbott incorrectly blamed alternative energy for the outages), many Texans were powerless — literally and figuratively.
As we approach the mass outages’ second anniversary, it’s increasingly clear that this failure wasn’t a stand-alone incident. Even on “normal” summer days, authorities ask us all to conserve power and warn us about brownouts. The traditional utility grid is struggling to keep up with modern demand and changing weather patterns.
[Related: Anniversary of the 2021 Texas Freeze: What’s Legislation Got To Do With It?]
A Smart Approach to a Serious Problem
Freedom Solar Power has teamed up with Austin-based agency CALLEN just in time to remind us that we don’t have to rely on big energy providers for power. Freedom Solar’s latest campaign, “Be Most Powerful,” is about giving power back to the people by giving them energy independence.
The creative campaign shows a series of Texans doing what many of us wish we could – responding to a dreaded rolling blackout text. The tongue-in-cheek creative imagines a text exchange where a fed-up Texan responds to the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) power shortage warnings. They quip, “Is this a joke?” and accuse the organization of running a “scam.”
As frustrated consumers continue to share their disappointment with big energy, you can’t help but start considering an alternative like Freedom Solar.
[Related: Solar Panel Maintenance & Repair Services]
Fight Back With Solar
“We’re hoping to speak to the hilarity of the situation,” said Freedom Solar CEO Bret Biggart. “Texans can’t depend on the grid, and they get put into precarious situations with the weather here. But with solar power and backup batteries, Texans can be empowered to ignore those pesky ERCOT warnings and get on with their lives. Solar is the solution. We know it and ERCOT knows it. Let’s work together to solve Texas’s reliability issues!”
In February 2021, Winter Storm Uri created a crisis in Texas. The heat and power demand during the extreme temperatures was too much for the state’s power grid to handle. As a result, millions of Texans had no power or water as temperatures dipped far below freezing and stayed there for nine days. Per the Texas Department of State Health Services, the storm contributed to the deaths of 246 people in 77 counties. The victims ranged in age from an infant to a centenarian (102 years).
Over the past two years, how Texans get their power has become a serious part of the mainstream conversation about energy reliability. Thousands of Texas homeowners and business owners have since decided solar energy is the solution. With solar, they can protect themselves during blackouts and offset skyrocketing energy costs.
For the past two years, state officials have regularly traded blame for the 2021 power outages and claimed to have improved the grid. But ERCOT, which manages 90% of the Texas electric load, continues to project uncertainty with its ongoing blackout warnings.
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Costs, Costs and More Costs
Meanwhile, Texas consumers are already seeing new monthly surcharges for securitization of the big power companies’ losses during the storm. Those charges will remain on their bills for decades, and utilities may add other surcharges in the future! Multiple parties have sued ERCOT over storm-associated costs in litigation that may last for years.
If ERCOT loses, Texas electricity consumers will likely foot the bill for all costs the courts assign to ERCOT.
The Be Most Powerful campaign launched today in Texas statewide as a TV and digital ad campaign. It marks the anniversary of the 2021 freeze and appears during the month Texans are most likely to revisit the angst of freeze-warning texts.
Our goal at Freedom Solar is to put power in people’s hands. With solar, homeowners and business owners can take control of their electricity supply, not rely solely on big energy providers.
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Contact Freedom Solar To Find Your Independence
Don’t let ERCOT raise your blood pressure or your bills.
At Freedom Solar, we’re ready to help Texans seize their independence. We offer market-leading Maxeon (previously SunPower)® solar panels and backup power solutions, so you can be prepared while saving on your electricity costs.
Interested? Learn about Texas solar rebates and incentives, solar financing options and much more. Then, reach out!
Call us at (800) 504-2337 or complete our inquiry form. One of our energy consultants will be in touch.