Buying a House With Solar Panels Already Installed

Buying a house with solar panels already installed is a popular & accessible way to accomplish your eco-friendly goals. Here's what to expect

Buying a home isn’t just one of the largest investments you can make in your life. It also ensures a fundamental lifestyle change — especially if you’re moving out of state with family. 

And while homeownership might seem like a hefty task to take on, it’s incredibly rewarding and gives you greater freedom to control how you live. One area of freedom you can explore is energy independence.

These days, many homeowners are looking to take advantage of renewable energy sources when powering their homes. Going solar by buying solar panels (or buying a house with solar panels installed) is the most popular and accessible way to accomplish that eco-friendly goal. 

Here, we’ll explore what you can expect when buying a house with solar panels already installed. 

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Finding the Right Home

If you’re in the market to buy a house — let alone buying a house with existing solar panels — you likely have a list of things you want and need. A solar panel system may be one of these. 

Because solar panels increase homes’ resale price, homeowners and realtors will certainly note that a house has a solar system in any listings. And they’ve become increasingly savvy at promoting homes with solar as well as the benefits of solar power

So in terms of search (or even spotting ads), you won’t have any issues finding homes with home solar installations! Just make sure you include the feature in your search query.

However, you might be thinking of questions to ask when buying a house with solar panels. Here are some areas to consider before buying a house with fully owned solar panels — or selling one, for that matter. 

Financing a Solar Panel System or Buying a House With Solar Panels

There are three main ways to finance a residential solar system: loan, lease and solar purchase power agreement (PPA). It’s wise to look into which method is most suitable for you because how you purchase your system can affect your home-selling process.

If you purchased your system outright, you can certainly factor that into its asking price. Think of this as similar to other home upgrades. If you put money into creating a deck on the back of your home, you’d of course up your selling price. The same goes for a remodeled kitchen, new roof or finished basement. 

However, the amount you increase the selling price should reflect how much you save monthly on your electrical bill and how long you’ve had the system. The longer you’ve had your system, the more you’ve saved. As a result, you can list your home for a higher price

The average homeowner saves between $10,000 and $30,000 throughout their solar system’s life span. Noting this in your listing is a great selling point.


Getting a loan to finance a solar system allows homeowners the freedom to pay for it over time while also taking advantage of tax credits. The federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) and other local solar rebates and incentives further offset your total purchase cost. 

However, if you’re selling your home, you’ll need to look into your loan’s fine print to discover any limitations. 

For example, a home equity loan against your house means you must pay off the loan’s entire balance before you can sell the home. If you have an unsecured loan that doesn’t use your house as collateral, you still have to pay off the loan balance — but you can still sell your house while doing so. 

In some cases, lenders will let you transfer your loan to the new homeowner, so long as their credit is up to par (or meets the lender’s criteria). 

It’s wise to ask your lender what your available options are. It also never hurts to do your own research before signing up for any loan. 

Think about your future, too. Are you a homeowner who wants to go green and take advantage of solar despite planning to sell your house in the future? What happens if you buy a house with solar panels? Or, are you past the point of “if”? What happens when you buy a house with solar panels?

Keeping your short- and long-term plans in mind allows you to pursue a loan that best suits your goals. 

It’s important to note that these concerns aren’t exclusive to going solar. Any home improvement projects you make and any loans you apply for to accomplish those upgrades deal with the same questions. 

So whether you’re going solar or upgrading your home in another way, you can rightfully demand a higher price for your house. That higher cost will help you eventually pay off any loan you sign up for. 

[Related: Guide to Federal Solar Panel Incentives]


If you’re selling your home and leasing the solar panels, you can certainly transfer your lease to the new homeowner.

However, your buyer must meet the credit requirements of the company you’re leasing your panels through. But this typically isn’t a cause for worry. If someone is approved to buy a home, their credit is likely in good standing. 

In terms of transfer fees, the lease company may charge the current homeowner a fee before confirming the transfer. Administrative tasks and other legal work are involved, so charging a fee to handle this isn’t too surprising.

Solar PPA

A PPA is similar to a lease in that the homeowner doesn’t own the solar panels. Although solar panels may be on your roof, you aren’t renting (leasing) them — instead, you’re buying the energy they produce. 

With a PPA, a homeowner pays a solar panel manufacturer for the amount of electricity they want from the panels to power their home.

But what if you have a PPA, but you’re selling your home? SunPower allows a homeowner to transfer their PPA to the new, eligible homeowner. And the transfer is simple. 

[Related: What Is a Solar PPA?]

Making the Right Decisions as a Homeowner

Are you still undecided and asking yourself, “Should I buy a house with solar panels?” or, “What happens if I buy a house with solar panels?”.

If so, further education is your biggest resource (and defense) when buying or financing solar panels as a homeowner. Explore your budget to determine whether purchasing outright or financing through a loan, lease or PPA is most suitable for you. 

Looking into the pros and cons of buying a house with solar panels is also helpful. Check out our article on the benefits of solar power to learn more. 

You should also be prepared to provide data on your solar system before taking the first steps to sell your house. If you have SunPower solar panels, the mySunPower app is especially helpful. Sunpower’s dealer network as well as local realtors are great resources, too. 

Whether you’re selling or buying a house with owned solar panels, both Freedom Solar and SunPower are here to help. 

Visit SunPower’s life events resource page to navigate the process. Contact Freedom Solar by calling (800) 504-2337 or completing our inquiry form.

Featured image via Unsplash