Oncor’s 2017 Solar Rebate: Maxeon (previously SunPower) by Freedom Solar

The Oncor solar rebate, announced in January 2017, is available to homeowners for only a limited time. Read to learn whether you qualify.

Maxeon (previously SunPower) by Freedom Solar and Oncor want to help you understand what having a few thousand dollars off your new solar PV system looks like. Only a limited number of Texas homeowners will qualify in time to take advantage of Oncor’s 2017 residential solar rebate program. If you’re thinking about solar for your home, now’s the time to contact Freedom Solar.



If you live within the blue area and are an Oncor customer, you can qualify for thousands off the purchase of your new solar PV system. Oncor reserves a limited amount of renewable energy program money to incentivize homeowners to GO SOLAR with an eligible service provider. 

Freedom Solar can reserve your program benefits with no up-front fee or cancellation penalty. You’ll have 90 days from the qualification date to decide before your funds go to the next person in line.

Oncor is the transmission and distribution utility for hundreds of energy retailers throughout Texas. However, Oncor isn’t necessarily the name you see on your bill every month (TXU, Reliant, Green Mountain, etc.). If your home is in the highlighted portion of this map, you’re an Oncor customer.

Additionally, check whether the company ID numbers “44372” or “17699” appear on your electrical meter or utility bill. These numbers correspond to the Oncor service area. Just contact us, and we’ll make all the necessary arrangements for you while we prepare your detailed proposal.

Let’s get started with your free consultation! Contact us today.