Benefits of Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings

As one of the top sources of renewable energy, solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular option for commercial buildings.

As one of the top sources of renewable energy, solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular option for commercial buildings.

Going solar isn’t only an economically viable choice for many businesses with large overhead energy costs, but if you haven’t already, it’s also a great opportunity to go green as an organization.

So, what are the benefits of solar panels for commercial buildings? Let’s check them out. 

Cost Savings

A primary benefit of installing solar panels on a commercial building is cost savings. 

With a solar panel system, businesses can generate their own electricity and thus reduce (or even eliminate) their reliance on the electric grid. As a result, electricity bills cost less.

What’s more, relying on renewable energy sources is key to saving your business money because the cost of electricity from traditional sources continues to rise. Additionally, the average cost of solar panels should decrease in 2023 and onward. 

Solar panels also require very little maintenance, which helps reduce costs at your company. Once technicians install your commercial solar panel system, the panels can last for decades and only require occasional cleaning to maintain their efficiency. 

Businesses of all sizes are also eligible for a variety of solar tax incentives and rebates to further offset your total purchase and installation costs. 

[Related: How Much Do Solar Panels Cost: Saving With Solar]

Environmental Well-Being

This one might be obvious — it’s no surprise that solar panels benefit the environment

Because solar panels generate electricity from the sun, a virtually endless supply of solar energy is available to harness. However, the amount of solar power your panels can produce depends on a number of factors, including these: 

Regardless, using any amount of solar power to meet your energy consumption needs is a positive step. 

Unlike traditional electricity sources, such as coal and natural gas, solar power doesn’t produce harmful emissions or pollutants. This means businesses using solar panels contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing their overall carbon footprint.

Furthermore, because solar panels decrease reliance on the grid, that reduces the need to build additional power plants. This hinders you from using fossil fuels and other nonrenewable energy sources. And in turn, using renewable energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts.

Higher Property Value

Another benefit of solar panels for commercial buildings is the potential increase in a home property’s price

As more and more businesses recognize the benefits of solar panels, the demand for buildings with preinstalled panels is increasing. This means buildings with solar panels are likely more attractive to buyers or renters. So lessors and/or building owners can justify listing those properties at higher prices. 

Additionally, commercial buildings with solar panels are eligible for various rebates and incentives. Some of these include the solar investment tax credit (which offers a 30% tax credit), various tax exemptions depending on the state you’re in, the Rural Energy for America Program that offers grants and guaranteed loans to rural businesses and agricultural companies, net metering and more. 

Commercial panels are also eligible for certain certifications, such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or Energy Star. Those certifications further increase a property’s overall appeal and value. 

Why? These certifications demonstrate environmentally friendly and energy-efficient capabilities — an important selling point for businesses that value sustainability.

[Related: Solar Market Predictions: What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for You]

Reliability and Resilience

Solar panels also offer a level of reliability and resilience that traditional electricity sources simply can’t match. 

With panels, businesses gain energy independence by generating their own electricity. This is particularly important during power outages or other emergencies when the grid is down — you can’t rely on it for power. 

And it’s especially helpful to have a whole house battery backup, such as a solar battery (like a Tesla Powerwall), to store excess solar power. If the grid happens to go down, you can rely on that stored energy even if your panels are temporarily unable to produce power. 

With that said, businesses can continue to operate and provide essential services even when the grid is down — especially if they have a solar panel system!

[Related: How To Optimize Your Tesla Powerwall During a Power Outage]

Top Freedom Solar Commercial Solar Projects

Freedom Solar specializes in both residential and commercial solar projects. Whether you own a multilocation corporation or a small brick-and-mortar store, there are plenty of ways to go solar despite your building type. 

Here are some of Freedom Solar’s top commercial projects. If you’re ready to go solar, exploring them is worthwhile! 


Houston-based oil-and-gas company TGS is home to a large solar parking lot structure that generates maximum energy output while still meeting strict city codes. 

TGS wants to become net zero by 2030. Thanks to its multiarray solar installation from Freedom Solar, it’s on the right track to getting there.

Parkway Honda

Parkway Auto Group has several solar arrays at its Ohio Honda dealership thanks to Freedom Solar. 

The dealership set out to become 75% more sustainable, specifically by reducing CO2 emissions by several metric tons. And while the auto dealer knew it wanted to accomplish this in the near future, Freedom Solar helped it tackle the initiative rapidly. 

Riverbend Church 

Freedom Solar happily partnered with Riverbend Church in West Austin, Texas, to advance its energy independence and sustainability goals. 

The church purchased dozens of SunPower solar panels to cover its campus, which spans over 50 acres. This installation marks one the largests projects on religious grounds in the country. 

Ronald McDonald House Charities Central 

Supporting the community and advocating for clean energy are high priorities for Freedom Solar. That’s why we partnered with the Ronald McDonald House Charities in Central Texas to create a 42-panel installation for the organization. 

The system is located at the Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin. And because it’s a non-profit, it has absolutely zero out-of-pocket costs. Charities typically have very tight budgets, so projects like this make a major long-term difference, both financially and environmentally. 

[Related: Our Favorite Solar Installations of 2021]

Contact Freedom Solar To Save Thousands on Energy Costs and Make Your Building More Sustainable

It’s clear how solar panels are extremely beneficial to commercial buildings and other nonresidential organizations in a range of industries. Check out our commercial portfolio if you’d like to learn more about our other projects. 

And when you’re ready to start harnessing the sun’s energy yourself, contact a trusted solar panel company: Freedom Solar. We provide SunPower solar panels — the most efficient on the market — to meet your green energy needs. 

Need solar repair services? Freedom Solar also has it’s own solar panel repair and maintenance service department if needed. Our experienced team can maintain, repair and upgrade any system for maximum energy production and efficiency.

Call (800) 504-2337 or complete our online inquiry form today to begin reaping the benefits of commercial solar panels.

Featured image via Unsplash