How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in San Antonio?

How much do solar panels cost in San Antonio? Understand what you can expect to spend and ways to save with local rebates and incentives.

The Alamo City is, perhaps surprisingly, a leader in sustainable energy. It’s been ranked fifth in installed solar capacity among major US cities. In Texas and beyond, homeowners are going solar more than ever before. Harnessing home-grown sunshine is the path to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle — not to mention drastically reduced or even eliminated electricity bills!

Of course, when you’re considering such an important purchase, it’s important to be financially prepared. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits all approach to determining the price of a solar panel installation for your home. This is because the costs of a solar installation depend on a few factors. For example, where you live, how much energy you use, and how large or small your setup, as well as the electricity costs in your area.

However, most San Antonio homeowners can expect to pay about $42,000 for an 8 kilowatt (kW) residential SunPower system. This does not include all the helpful tax credits and local rebates we cover below. That average cost covers every facet of an installation, including:

  • Solar panels
  • Mounting equipment
  • Inverters
  • Conduit and other components
  • Installation labor
  • Project management, including HOA approvals, permitting, and inspections
  • 25 year warranty covering system maintenance and repairs

Curious about making the switch to solar? Because of improved technology and a surge in manufacturing, the average cost of a solar panel installation has dropped to an all-time low. Best of all, the city of San Antonio offers rebates and incentives to help make going solar easier and more affordable. Keep reading to find out why right now is the best time for homeowners in San Antonio to make the switch to solar. 

Financial Incentives to Help You Save

Solar energy provides a dramatic reduction in utility bills, but it’s also a step forward to reduce our collective dependence on dirty energy suppliers to help the environment. That’s why, as a way to encourage more homeowners to switch to sustainable energy, utility providers and governments across the US offer various tax breaks and incentives to help make going solar as affordable as possible

  • Local rebates. San Antonio residents are eligible for renewable energy incentives from the local government. These rebates and credits will drastically reduce the costs of going solar.
  • Federal rebates. Because of the federal solar tax credit, homeowners can deduct 30% of the cost of their solar panel installation on their federal tax return.
  • Manufacturer rebates. Some solar panel manufacturers offer generous financial incentives to make your solar installation more affordable.
  • Promotions. If you buy your solar panels at the right time, you’ll be eligible for limited-time-only incentives that will help you save.

Saving Money with Local Rebates 

If you’re a San Antonio homeowner who is considering the switch to solar, your city wants to help make that possible. Here are some of the best ways to save on your installation, thanks to financial incentives from the Alamo City.

  • Utility providers: Commercial solar customers can receive a rebate at $0.60/watt up to $80,000 with CPS Energy.
  • Net metering: This financial incentive pays solar owners, in the form of credits, for the excess electricity they contribute to the San Antonio grid. During the times when your solar panels aren’t producing enough electricity to meet your energy needs — say, at night  or on cloudy days — you can tap into those net metering credits to offset your electricity bill. Contact us to see if your utility offers net metering.
  • Property tax exemption: The state of Texas does not increase property values for homeowners after a solar panel installation. As a result of this exemption, San Antonio solar owners can continue to save money, without burden, throughout the lifetime of their solar panels.

Saving Money with Federal Rebates

The Inflation Reduction Act’s recent extension of the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) was a stroke of luck for homeowners who were thinking about making the switch to sustainable energy. The ITC helps subsidize the purchase and installation of a solar panel installation for all eligible US homeowners. If you own your solar energy system, you can claim the 30% investment tax credit for solar when you file your annual federal tax return. The ITC will continue at this rate through 2032, after which it will reduct to 26% in 2033 and 22% in 2034.

Saving Money with Manufacturer Rebates

Solar manufacturers want to help make the switch as easy as possible. For example, SunPower periodically offers rebates of up to $1,000 to help offset the cost of a residential solar installation. Contact us to see which manufacturer rebates you can take advantage of when you’re ready to make the switch.

Saving Money with Promotions 

Buying at the right time is smart buying. Solar power installers Freedom Solar works to help our customers save money through a variety of promotions throughout the year. Contact us to learn which promotions can help you save.

Start Saving with the Power of the Sun

From drastically reducing your energy bills to eliminating dependence on dirty energy suppliers, there are so many reasons why going solar is worth it in San Antonio. But you also want to feel confident that you’re doing business with solar installers you can trust. As the largest residential solar installer in Texas, we’ve outfitted countless homes with installations. Even big-name businesses like Whole Foods and Office Depot have chosen our team of experts to help them make the switch to solar!

Looking to maintain, repair or upgrade your solar system? Our solar repair and maintenance service department can help you obtain maximum energy production and efficiency.

When you’re ready to make that switch, we’re here to help you get started. Contact us for a free consultation.