What Happens if You Have Solar and the Power Goes Out?

Solar energy has emerged as a reliable and sustainable alternative to traditional electricity sources, providing homeowners and businesses with a cleaner and more cost-effective way to meet their energy needs. However, a common question that arises is: What happens if you have solar panels installed and the power goes out? Do solar panels continue to work during blackouts, or are there additional steps to consider? Let’s explore the scenarios and solutions associated with power outages and solar installations.

Grid-Tied Solar Systems

The most common type of solar installation is a grid-tied system. In this setup, solar panels are connected to the local electrical grid. 

During normal operation, the solar panels generate electricity that is either used directly in the building or sent back to the grid if the system produces more energy than is being consumed. In return, the homeowner often receives credits or compensation for the excess energy fed back into the grid through net metering programs.

However, when a power outage occurs, grid-tied solar systems are designed to shut down automatically for safety reasons. This is to prevent electricity from being fed back into the grid while utility workers are trying to repair the system. 

Therefore, even if you have solar panels installed, you won’t have power during an outage if you have a typical grid-tied setup.

Hybrid Solar Systems

To address the issue of power outages, some homeowners opt for hybrid solar systems. These systems combine solar panels with energy storage solutions, such as batteries. The energy generated by the solar panels can be stored in batteries and used to power the home during periods of grid outages.

Hybrid solar systems offer the advantage of energy independence, allowing homeowners to have access to electricity even when the grid is down. This can be particularly beneficial in regions prone to frequent power outages due to storms, natural disasters, or maintenance issues.

Backup Power Considerations and Benefits

When contemplating the best solution for power outages with your solar installation, there are a few factors to keep in mind.


While solar batteries offer power during outages, they come with additional costs beyond the initial solar installation. Batteries can increase the overall investment but provide security and convenience in return.

Energy Needs

Evaluate your energy needs during outages. If you require continuous power for medical equipment, security systems, or other critical functions, a hybrid system might be worth considering.

Environmental Impact

Solar panels and energy storage solutions contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.

Benefits of Solar Batteries When the Power Goes Out

Power outages can disrupt daily life, causing inconvenience and even posing risks in certain situations. Having a backup plan for such occurrences is essential, and solar batteries can play a crucial role in providing reliable power during blackouts. 

Here are the benefits of each option:

Continuous Power Supply

Solar batteries, as part of a hybrid solar system, store excess energy generated by your solar panels. When the power goes out, these batteries can provide a seamless transition to stored energy, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to your home.

Energy Independence

Solar batteries enable you to become less reliant on the grid during outages. This energy independence can be particularly valuable in areas prone to frequent power interruptions, especially during extreme weather events or natural disasters.

Peak Demand Management

Solar batteries can also help manage peak energy demand periods. During times when electricity demand is high, such as evenings or extremely hot days, you can use the stored energy instead of drawing power from the grid, reducing strain on the local utility infrastructure.

Lower Energy Bills

By using stored solar energy during peak demand times, you can potentially reduce your overall electricity consumption from the grid. This can result in lower energy bills and greater control over your energy costs.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Using stored solar energy instead of relying solely on the grid during blackouts reduces your reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a lower carbon footprint and a more sustainable energy consumption pattern.

Contact Freedom Solar

In conclusion, if you have a typical grid-tied solar system, your panels will not provide power during a blackout. However, hybrid systems with battery storage can offer a solution to maintain electricity supply during outages. Two popular battery storage options are Tesla Powerwall and SunPower Sunvault which offer different capabilities. The Tesla Powerwall is designed to charge electric vehicles (EVs), shift power usage, and provide short-term backup power. The SunPower Sunvault integrates seamlessly with SunPower solar power systems and also provides short-term backup power. When choosing the best approach for your situation, consider your energy needs, budget, and environmental goals to make an informed decision that ensures reliable power even when the grid goes down.

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