Our Commitment to Health and Safety
At solar panel company Freedom Solar, we believe that communication and transparency are key to reassuring employees and customers during times of uncertainty. We are living in unprecedented times, and the situation related to COVID-19 is changing rapidly. The leadership team at Freedom Solar is closely monitoring and carefully following the recommendations of our government leaders and public health experts. We are taking actions to protect and take care of our employees, customers, and business partners.
Here is what we’re doing to keep you and us healthy:
Sales Process
Many of our customers continue to prefer an in-home consultation, which gives you a chance to meet your Energy Consultant and gives us a chance to conduct a preliminary assessment of your roof. For those face-to-face meetings, we are committed to following strict health guidelines that include maintaining a safe distance, avoiding handshakes, wiping down all of our materials with sanitizing wipes (along with your table), and wearing gloves if you prefer.
We also offer you the option to conduct virtual consultations, where you meet with our team via Zoom or Google Hangouts. All documents can be signed electronically.
Installation Process
The majority, if not all, of the installation process takes place without requiring direct contact with you or access to the inside of your home. We just need the ability to get onto your property.
We conduct site assessments with a drone that is operated by a technician who will be onsite but will remain on the ground outside.
There are online or limited-personal-interaction options for permitting and approvals in most jurisdictions. At this time, city permit offices are still open and operating as usual, but we will post here if that changes.
Our installers will sanitize their hands and wipe down their equipment before and after visiting your home, and they will be wearing gloves, safety glasses, and buffs to cover their faces. The crew lead will be happy to answer any questions you have from a safe distance of six feet, and our customer support team is always available by phone.
[Related: Solar Panel Maintenance & Repair Services]
Employee Safety
We have established a number of new guidelines to protect our team – and you – during this rapidly changing situation:
- This week we will begin checking the temperature of our crews before they head out to a job site each day.
- We require any employee who is not feeling well or has a fever to stay home.
- All employees are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
- We are making gloves available to all employees who want them.
- Hand sanitizing liquid and wipes are available throughout our offices and in all company vehicles.
- We are limiting the number of people in each company vehicle at one time to ensure that everyone can maintain a safe distance of six feet.
- All employees who can do their job remotely are being encouraged to work from home.
At Freedom Solar, we believe that solar is a great way to take control of your power and protect your family and livelihood. Our doors remain open, and we are committed to helping as many Texans as possible to go solar and become more self-sufficient.