Freedom Solar Building On Texas Automotive Success To Expand into Out-Of-State Markets

Austin-based Freedom Solar, announced today their expansion into out-of-state markets. The solar industry giant attributed its phenomenal growth, in part, to the automotive industry’s increasing interest in converting to solar power.

“Freedom Solar’s third quarter in 2020 was our most profitable quarter since opening in 2007, and a big factor in that success is the increasing trend among automobile dealerships to go solar,” said Freedom Solar CEO Bret Biggart. “Over the past three years, Freedom Solar has completed solar power installations at eight auto dealerships across Texas, and for every dealership we’ve signed, we are talking to 10 more.”

Freedom Solar is expanding its operations geographically, specifically targeting the automotive industry and reaching out to dealers nationwide to advise them on the tremendous positive impacts solar can have on their businesses. The company currently has several nationwide projects underway and recently opened an office at 5135 Centennial Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Freedom has hired former Maxeon National Auto Industry Manager, Ryan Ferrero, who was a previous dealer principal for Domestic and Import Dealerships, to create profitable sustainable solutions for auto dealers throughout the nation.

In addition to its Colorado operations, Freedom currently has projects in states like Idaho, West Virginia, Ohio, and Michigan.

Businesses of all kinds are turning to solar power due to its increased affordability, and the automotive industry is leading the way. According to the National Auto Dealers Association (NADA), energy costs can be a dealership’s third-highest overhead expense due to energy-intensive showrooms and lots, as well as long operating hours. As a result, many dealerships are turning to solar to mitigate their high energy expenditures. Switching to solar power not only greatly reduces operating costs and increases profit margins, but also demonstrates the dealership’s commitment to environmental sustainability, appreciated by an increasingly large segment of the public.

If a dealer is interested, Freedom Solar simply takes a look at their utility bills over time to discern their rate, usage, and seasonal differences. With that in hand, Freedom can provide information on the incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits specific to their usage and give a highly accurate estimate of the net cost to install solar. The installation itself causes little-to-no disruptions to daily business activities.

“We try to help dealers understand that something they thought of as a fixed expense where they had no options—the cost of electricity—can now become a variable expense they can drive down,” said Biggart. “The solar power generated by the panels we install is utilized across the facility, offsetting the amount of utility power consumed. It is less expensive and is not subject to price hikes from utility providers.”

You can read original article here.