Celebrating Solar Appreciation Day 

On Solar Appreciation Day, people celebrate the benefits of solar energy, its technological advancements and awareness of sustainability. 

Solar Appreciation Day is a holiday that falls on March 11. Some might think it’s a day to give the sun a general round of applause (it’s already a star), but it’s much more than that!

On this day, people worldwide celebrate the benefits of solar energy, its technological advancements and increased awareness of the importance of sustainability. 

And while you can learn about these sorts of things any day, we give them special emphasis on Solar Appreciation Day. 

[Related: 50 Solar Power Facts]

What Are the Benefits of Solar Energy?

Solar energy provides loads of benefits, and they go far beyond your neighbors’ burning envy of your sleek solar panels. 

For starters, it’s one of the most abundant energy sources on Earth. Solar is expected to account for 60% of the world’s renewable energy capacity as of 2022, reaching a total of 300 GW globally. And in the U.S. alone, enough power is generated to power more than 22 million homes

Solar offers many environmental benefits as well. To date, Freedom Solar alone has installed enough solar that is equivalent to planting 13.5 million trees and taking 175,000 cars off the road. 

A solar panel array isn’t too hard on the eyes, either. Let’s face it — solar panels have street appeal. Homes with solar panels attract passersby for multiple reasons. They’re sleek and futuristic-looking, and they’re one of the most valuable investments you can make on your property. 

On top of that, they increase your home’s resale price.

In addition to these benefits, solar panels also save you significant money in the long run with their ability to generate their own power, offsetting your electricity bill. So while you’re doing good by the environment, you’re also avoiding fickle, rising energy rates, too.

Raising Awareness for Solar Advancements 

Solar is the fastest-growing sector in the renewable energy industry. In 2021 alone, it provided around 4.3 million jobs. Talk about a crowded office!

And with so much tech progress in the past handful of years, it can be hard to keep up. But here are some top solar tech standouts:

And those strides forward are just the tip of the iceberg. 

[Related: New Solar Technology Doesn’t Require Direct Sunlight]

Ways To Celebrate Solar Appreciation Day

We’ve gone over the benefits of solar power and some industry advancements, but if you want to take your solar love a step further — let’s look at some fun, creative ways you could celebrate the day!

Purchase a Solar-Powered Gadget

Buying a solar-powered gadget is a great way to indulge in what the solar market has to offer. 

Consider buying a solar-powered watch, calculator or Bluetooth speaker. 

Share Content About Hot Solar Topics

Not everyone is tuned into the progress happening in the renewable energy realm. Celebrate the day by trying to fix that!

Maybe you want to tell your friends about a new nighttime solar plant, or how the Inflation Reduction Act has a direct impact on your parents’ budget. Sharing blogs, photos and other content on social media (or via text or email) is a stellar way to show your appreciation for solar. Plus, sharing helps other people notice the day — and perhaps celebrate it, too! 

Host a Solar-Themed Game Night or Cookout

Try creating a card or dice game based on answers to solar-related questions. Or maybe host a backyard barbecue — and make it solar-themed. You can hang sunny decorations and break out that cliché, tropical button-up shirt that you vowed you’d never wear again. 

Enjoy the Sunshine

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. What better way to celebrate Solar Appreciation Day than to spend time outdoors with the star of the day, getting some Vitamin D. 

[Related: 39 Uses of Solar Energy]

Harness the Power of the Sun With Freedom Solar

If you’re ready to experience the perks of generating your own energy with a home solar installation, contact solar panel company Freedom Solar. 

We provide top-rated SunPower solar panels that are the most efficient on the market. We offer solar home power systems, such as the Tesla Powerwall, to further modernize your system.

If you’re ready to make the jump and invest in solar, call (800) 504-2337 or complete our inquiry form. One of our energy consultants will be in touch!

Appreciating the sun also means taking care of your various gadgets and solar products to make them last longer and be more efficient. No matter who installed your pv system, or what model it is – Freedom Solar can help with your solar repair requests. We can maintain, repair and upgrade any solar panel system for maximum energy production and efficiency.

 Featured image via Unsplash