Making a Difference on World Climate Day … and Every Other Day

Headshot for Freedom Solar Power CEO, Bret Biggart, smiling in a white shirt and dark jacket.

Authored by Bret Biggart

First off, let’s be clear: fighting climate change is not a one-day-a-year thing. We should be working every day to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change and build support for addressing it. 

That said, Dec. 8 does happen to be World Climate Day. That doesn’t change the work or the mission. But it does offer an opportunity to step back and size up what we’re doing — and what we could be doing better — to create a more sustainable world.

Obviously, fighting climate change is a big part of what brings the Freedom Solar team to work each day. We’re beyond proud that every solar panel we install lessens the need for fossil fuels. It is making a difference by:

  • Improving Local Air Quality: By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, solar power contributes to cleaner air and a healthier environment.
  • Making the Electricity Grid More Resilient: Solar enhances grid resilience by diversifying the energy mix.
  • Offering a Hedge on Rising Energy Costs: Solar power provides a stable and predictable energy source, protecting consumers from volatile energy prices.
  • Paving a Path to Energy Independence: Solar replaces fossil fuels with homegrown renewable energy, which fosters a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.

For those reasons and more, solar is changing the world. Even for someone as bullish on solar as I am, the industry’s growth has been staggering. 

Solar already generates well over half of the world’s renewable energy capacity — it hit 60% last year, or 300 gigawatts globally. In the U.S. alone, solar power generates enough power to keep the lights on for more than 22 million homes. 

That clean energy adds up quickly. At Freedom Solar alone, the solar power we’ve installed — for more than 24,000 customers — has helped avoid more than 1.7 million pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. That’s the environmental impact of planting 13.5 million trees or taking 175,000 cars off the road. 

Beyond all of that, solar keeps people free and safe from high bills and blackouts, especially when paired with a big battery storage system. Block-by-block and house-by-house, it’s helping people live more powerfully in a cleaner, safer world. It’s empowering individuals and businesses to actively participate in the creation of a more resilient, cost-effective, and independent energy future.

So, yes, let’s definitely take a minute on World Climate Day to consider how we can contribute to a more certain and sustainable planet. I’m grateful to be part of a community that, through this transformative clean technology, already has a great head start.